Thursday 30 November 2017

The Kite Runner - PreRead Review.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
Copyright 2003 by TKR publications, LLC
371 pages

Amir is the son of a wealthy Kabul merchant, a member of the ruling castle of Peshtuns. Hassan, his servant and constant companion, is a Hazara, a despised and impoverished caste. Their uncommon bond is torn by Amir's choice to abandon his friend amidst the increasing ethnic, religious, and political tensions of the dying years of the Afghan Monarchy, and apparently dissolved when Amir and his father flee to California to escape the Soviet invasion, leaving Hassan and his own gentle father to a terrible fate. But years later, an old family friend calls Amir from Pakistan and reminds him: "There's a way to be good again." And Amir journeys back to a distant world, to try to right past wrongs against the only true friend he ever had. - Book synopsis 

A great book! Definitely the best I've read in quite some time. The story revolves around the life of a boy and makes you question decisions. You will soon realize we are all humans who make mistakes and try to atone for them. I definitely would read the book again and recommend it to friends! - Amazon customer

The Kite runner is a book that I have been wanting to read for some time. I have had a handful of my friends and family read this and tell me it is a "must read". I enjoy all types of books, but especially those that help you to think in a different way. This is something that I have been told I will take away from this story. When I was given the option to read The Kite Runner as part of an assignment, it seemed like a sign that this was the right time to finally dive into it. I'm looking forward to getting started and see what everyone has been talking about.